Leadership Consulting

The Success Group offers a variety of leadership development and organizational consulting services that are designed to greatly enhance your organization’s effectiveness. We design and develop high impact leadership development programs targeted at developing the leadership capacity of leaders at all levels - from first time leaders to senior executives. Our team of leadership development professionals offer a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure the success of your initiatives.

Areas of specific expertise include:

Leadership Training

Our leadership training programs focus on the key concepts of effective leadership, offering you a practical toolkit of leadership strategies. Key features of our leadership development programs include: the development of self-awareness around strengths and areas for development leading to the ability to make better choices in order to produce better results. Participants will leave with the skills that are required to lead effectively and feeling empowered to have a greater impact on your organization.

Specific training topics include:

  • Relationship Building and Emotional Intelligence

  • Leadership Development Essentials

  • Coaching For Leaders

  • Leadership Versatility and Flexibility

  • Team Building and Team Effectiveness

  • Employee Motivation, Engagement and Retention

  • Accelerating Leadership Performance

  • Leadership Assessment for Development and Selection

leadership coaching

Our Leadership and Executive Coaching solutions provide intensive, practical, and high impact one-on-one coaching with leaders at all levels, with particular expertise at the senior executive level.  To meet your organization's specific needs, our coaching programs are offered as part of an integrated leadership development program, or as a separate service. This confidential service focuses on enabling each leader to succeed through understanding the leader as an individual, helping them create better awareness and implement more effective leadership behaviours in order to add greater value to the organization.